Past Retreats & Summits

Spiritual Healing Retreat

Nov. 2nd - 5th, 2023 Sedona, AZ

When was the last time you truly felt connected to your inner self, confident in who you are and why you are here? We are inviting you to join our high-vibe group in a sacred space where together you will support each other's healing journey, expand in self-love, and leave feeling empowered and passionate about life.

Spring Transformational Retreat

May 1st - 4th, Lake Livingston, Texas

Join Amy & Community in these in-person retreats and gatherings.

Tulum, Mexico

September 29th - October 2nd

The Soulful Success Mastermind, Tulum, Mexico 


Please Check Back For Upcoming Opportunities

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Maui, Hawaii

July 2021

Mt. Shasta, CA

June 2021

Dallas / Ft. Worth, Texas

October 2020

Dallas / Ft. Worth Texas

December 2019


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