2024 Healing Session Schedule

Intuitively Guided Energy Healing sessions assist you in clearing, resetting and charging up your energy.  Working in the mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, this is a loving opportunity to take some time for you!

Amy & Nicole host monthly healing sessions live through zoom for Spirit School community members. Each month's Healing Session will take place on the second Friday of the month. 

NOTE: November's Session will be on the 3rd Friday, November 15th

Purchase the current month's offer by clicking the images below, or enjoy access to upcoming lives and 90 days of replays as they build, by subscribing. 

Amy will hold a guided energy healing session on odd months and Nicole on the even months.

Time:  3:00 EST / 2:00 CST / 1:00 MST / 12:00 PST 

The replay will be available within 24 hours with access for 30 days when purchasing individually. Subscribers enjoy 6 months of content as it builds.

The first session was February 9th, 2024

Never miss an experience to feel the light, clear and strengthen your energy.

Enroll for your monthly healing experiences and six month access to past healing sessions as they become available.

2024 Healing Session Schedule

Group Energy Healing Sessions

February  9th with Nicole            

March 8th  with Amy

April 12th  with Nicole                  

May 10th with Amy

June 14th  with Nicole                   

July 12th with Amy

August 9th  with Nicole                

September 13th with Amy

October 11th with Nicole             

November 15th - the third Friday with Amy

December 13  with Nicole

Time:  3:00 EST / 2:00 CST / 1:00 MST / 12:00 PST 

The replay will be available within 24 hours with access for 30 days when purchasing individually. Subscribers enjoy 6 months of content as it builds.

Meet Amy

Amy is an intuitive, physical channel and energy therapist. She works closely with higher dimensional beings- including the client's higher self, angelic realms, spirit guides, and star councils. Amy specializes in mentoring the awakening Starseed and is a physical channel for Council of Light and Archangels. In her Spirit School courses, Amy shares many experiences and information on the energetic body, light working and intuitive communication.

Amy is a Licensed Vocational Nurse, Certified Teacher, Reiki Master, Crystal Light Table Practitioner, Past Life Hypnotherapist and Channel.

For more information visit www.AmySikarskie.com

Amy Sikarskie, LVN, CHt

Reiki Master, Intuitive, Physical Channel

Meet Nicole

A naturally born clairvoyant, Nicole is able to see and hear the Angels and Spirit. Nicole has been giving accurate readings since 2010. She has traveled all over the United States holding workshops, conferences and personal sessions. Nicole loves to give people hope and comfort as they travel through life. She can read your life - past, present and future - to give the most profound information. As a medium, Nicole can also connect with your Loved Ones in Spirit. She brings forth messages from the other side and offer guidance through their eyes. She can easily see and hear Spirit so that your session is just as clear as if you were sitting right next to your Loved One.

Nicole Angel

Medium, Physical Channel