2024 Healing Session Schedule

Amy & Nicole host monthly healing sessions live through zoom for Spirit School community members. Each month's Healing Session will take place on the second Friday of the month. 

Purchase the current month's offer or enjoy access to upcoming lives and six months of replays as they build. The first session is February 9th, 2024

Amy will hold a guided energy healing session on odd months and Nicole on the even months.

Time:  3:00 EST / 2:00 CST / 1:00 MST / 12:00 PST 

The replay will be available within 24 hours with access for 30 days.

Group Energy Healing Sessions

February  9th with Nicole            March 8th  with Amy

April 12th  with Nicole                  May 10th with Amy

June 14th  with Nicole                   July 12th with Amy

August 9th  with Nicole                September 13th with Amy

October 11th with Nicole             November 8th  with Amy

December 13  with Nicole